
Can the K.I.S.S Formula Help?

You’ve probably heard of the K.I.S.S. formula at some point. However, calling yourself stupid (the last S in the expression) does little to help you move forward with anything effectively. So, try our adjustment to the formula: Keep It Simple and Skillful. Do you notice a difference in the visceral effect this version has on you?

Words carry impact. And the way humans think words translates into how you tend to respond. Take for example, something you’ve repeatedly attempted to do but have been unsuccessful. There’s a good likelihood that if you attempt this thing or situation again, you’ll remind yourself of how you’ve failed at it previously. Unless you’re an exception, you’ll likely convince yourself of defeat before you even attempt the action. This can be an exhausting approach to trying new things. It’s a self-limiting belief that stops you before you’ve started.

As a constant meaning-making machine, the mind maintains a state of complexity. This mechanism can complicate the simplest of situations. As the expression goes: “we can make mountains of molehills,” but we can also “make molehills out of mountains.” Either mental tendency can distort reality. When you take actions from a distorted perspective, you’re more likely to make missteps.

Keeping it simple and skillful means focusing on words that are positive and encouraging. Your body is always listening to what your internal thoughts and externally spoken words are. And the body responds accordingly. In other words, the body can match what you are thinking. So, beware of how you assess circumstances.

Expressions like “this traffic is going to cause me a stroke” would be more skillful as “I am calm and am at ease in traffic.” But at least altering your thoughts and words to “Traffic is inconvenient, but I can handle it” will cause a better mental and physical countenance. We encourage you to monitor your word choices for the next week and notice how you are affected.

The Power of Retreat

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the noise and demands of the world around you? Wouldn’t it be pleasant to get away from it all for a while? Guess what? You can!

There are many ways to retreat from the world, so that you can return feeling refreshed, focused and renewed. The idea doesn’t often dawn on people. You may find yourself waiting for vacation time to get the break you need, but sometimes that doesn’t come along in a timely fashion. Sometimes, vacations don’t give us the downtime that retreats do. Have you ever returned feeling like it was still not enough?

You can book a formal retreat. There are many places nearby, in and near Georgia. You can also create your own retreat. You can do this in your own home or find a location that appeals to you. You can do this alone or with others. There are lots of creative ways to have a retreat that meets your needs at the time. Different times of life will call for different elements in your retreat. You can choose to retreat for a half-day, a day, or a week. The possibilities are endless, and you get to choose what would work best for you. Below are some ideas to get your started:

Select a place that would work best for you. Consider noise levels, people and aesthetics.
Choose a length of time for your retreat.
Let the appropriate people in your life know what you’re doing, so you won’t be disturbed. You can offer them an emergency strategy if something dire arises.
Decide if you’d like to unplug from technology. We highly recommend this to give your brain and nervous system a break. Much of the noise causing stress comes through technology channels.
Decide if you want silence or not. Silent retreats can be a powerful reset even if for only a few hours.
Create a schedule if you’d like. This might include yoga, meditation, prayer, journal writing, walking, reading, mindful eating and even time to daydream and meander.
There is no right or wrong. Experiment with different styles depending on your mood and needs.

As #corporateeventfacilitators #keynotespeakers #mindfulnessexperts #mindfulleadershipexperts  #atlantaspeakers #mindsetexperts #ajccolumnists and #corporatetrainers, we lead corporate retreats for organizations. Reach out to us for your services!

Pushing Through Pain Points

From our: #AtlantaJournalConsitution column today…

Have you ever set a difficult goal for yourself that caused you pain as you prepared for it? People who are in extreme sports, or even simply working out in the gym, often report that they experience pain on the way to their aspiration. Entrepreneurs, writers and artists often experience this as well. As #keynotespeakers, #exceutivecoaches and #corporatetrainers, we’ve heard this repeatedly! In fact, as entrepreneurs, we’ve been there ourselves!

Why would anyone choose to do something voluntarily when they know it might be painful? Why would someone keep moving forward with an activity if they’re already in pain and know there’s more to come?

It’s because the end result offers a promise of satisfaction, pride and achievement. It helps people realize their capabilities. It teaches you that you can surmount limitations. It can feel incredibly empowering.

However, many people don’t keep going. They quit. And sometimes, this is the right thing to do. Perhaps they were attempting the activity for the wrong reasons. Maybe they realized it wasn’t worth it after all. You do need to know when it’s in your best interest to stop versus continue.

Whether you decide to continue or stop, make sure it’s your decision. It may be helpful for others to weigh in with their opinions, but ultimately this is your decision to make.

If you do decide to move forward with a goal that will cause pain in the interim, how can you navigate the anguish along they way? Here are a few strategies:

– Keep an image in your mind of the end goal. Have a physical picture or representation that you can see on a daily basis.

– Visualize how this will look and feel when you get to the endgame. Imagine people congratulating you.

– Get clear on your why, the underlying reason, of the goal, and remember it often.

– Surround yourself with a positive tribe who will cheer you on unconditionally.

– Watch or read about people who have overcome challenges to achieve greatness in their own lives. Learn from their mindset and behaviors.

Technology Timeout

Much of what we see presently was incomprehensible for most people just forty years ago. The average person then could not likely have imagined what the average person now has access to. The idea of so many people walking around today with personal, portable hand-held computers was inconceivable.

Think about the amazing blessings of technology. The ability to access information in mere seconds can be both convenient and wonderful. Reaching nearly anyone at any time expedites solutions to problems and brings loved ones together sooner. Unprecedented advances in a wide range of fields such as medicine are taking place due to technology. So why are timeouts needed for users?

Human beings are not machines. We are mental, emotional, physical, relational, and spiritual beings. Technology is not a human being. As complex beings with emotions, we must rest. That includes the brain. If you operate as a machine, you invite suffering. Mentally and emotionally, you can become consumed with personal technology to the point of burnout and other major health issues such as severe insomnia and brain dysregulation. In everyday life, obsession with the cell phone can be a real impediment in relationships. The next time you go to a restaurant or public place, observe the engagement people have with their phones versus each other.

Here is where the idea of balance can help. Only the user can decide when enough is enough. Utilize these steps to move toward a sense of balance:

  • Monitor how often you are engaged with technology, particularly your cell phone.
  • Put your phone and laptop away completely for an hour, maybe longer, unless you are on call in your work. Notice your thoughts and how you react during that timeout.
  • Consider how you may be using your phone and technology as an escape from resolving problems or engaging with loved ones. Reflect on any physical consequences you may be experiencing from lack of sleep, poor diet, or lack of motivation and its possible connection to technological overuse.
  • Challenge yourself to put your phone away at meals with others.



Releasing Regret for Improved Performance

What do you wish you could undo from the past?

Former actions or inactions can plague you. Many people want to somehow rewrite their history in specific ways. Have you ever remarked that you wished you could go back to a previous time to correct something or perhaps do it differently altogether?

Unfortunately, you cannot. What’s done, is done. So many people struggle with that. However, letting go of the regret associated with the past is paramount to moving forward.

First, know that no amount of regret or guilt will change what has already happened. Can you accept that fact? If so, there’s a good chance you can shift. The reason that acceptance is fundamental in relinquishing regret is that amplifying your mistakes will only perpetuate negative feelings which keeps you stuck. If you’ve been doing this for awhile in your life, it may take a bit of practice over time to naturally access acceptance.

Secondly, you don’t want to overemphasize your shortcomings at the expense of staying balanced. Embrace the idea that it’s time to let go, forgive yourself, and stop punishing yourself over and over for the same mistake. Punishing yourself merely reinforces a self-defeating pattern and does nothing to alter the past. Living in the past thwarts your enjoyment of the present moment. When you halt your mental chastising, you free up energy to feel good and make desired changes for your future.

Realize that you’re not alone. Every human being has made mistakes in their lives. It’s simply a part of the human condition. Instead of resenting yourself for your missteps, commit to creating better responses in the future. Take responsibility for the past, but focus more on the present moment and the future. Take a breath. Literally shake off the energy when you catch yourself feeling regretful again and consciously let it loose. That is where your true power resides.