The Power of Retreat

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the noise and demands of the world around you? Wouldn’t it be pleasant to get away from it all for a while? Guess what? You can!

There are many ways to retreat from the world, so that you can return feeling refreshed, focused and renewed. The idea doesn’t often dawn on people. You may find yourself waiting for vacation time to get the break you need, but sometimes that doesn’t come along in a timely fashion. Sometimes, vacations don’t give us the downtime that retreats do. Have you ever returned feeling like it was still not enough?

You can book a formal retreat. There are many places nearby, in and near Georgia. You can also create your own retreat. You can do this in your own home or find a location that appeals to you. You can do this alone or with others. There are lots of creative ways to have a retreat that meets your needs at the time. Different times of life will call for different elements in your retreat. You can choose to retreat for a half-day, a day, or a week. The possibilities are endless, and you get to choose what would work best for you. Below are some ideas to get your started:

Select a place that would work best for you. Consider noise levels, people and aesthetics.
Choose a length of time for your retreat.
Let the appropriate people in your life know what you’re doing, so you won’t be disturbed. You can offer them an emergency strategy if something dire arises.
Decide if you’d like to unplug from technology. We highly recommend this to give your brain and nervous system a break. Much of the noise causing stress comes through technology channels.
Decide if you want silence or not. Silent retreats can be a powerful reset even if for only a few hours.
Create a schedule if you’d like. This might include yoga, meditation, prayer, journal writing, walking, reading, mindful eating and even time to daydream and meander.
There is no right or wrong. Experiment with different styles depending on your mood and needs.

As #corporateeventfacilitators #keynotespeakers #mindfulnessexperts #mindfulleadershipexperts  #atlantaspeakers #mindsetexperts #ajccolumnists and #corporatetrainers, we lead corporate retreats for organizations. Reach out to us for your services!