It’s An Inside Job

Your focus, perception, and interpretation leads to your state of mind and your corresponding results. Examining internal programming is helpful. Realizing habitual mental/emotional patterns can free you from less-than-optimal results. The proof is in the pudding. The great news is that this is a new week, a new day, and a new moment. Where do you want to place your time, energy, and focus? “When you feel your best, you perform and live at your best!”

#keynotespeaker #mindfulleadership #mindfulperformance

#stressreduction #mindfulness #corporateevents

Managing Overwhelm

Anyone dealing with overwhelm? Stress can hijack your best laid plans. You get caught up in the drama and intensity. But don’t let your mind trick you. All is well for the most part. Take a break. Breathe. Go for a walk. Chill where you can. You can only do one thing at a time so don’t try to do it all at once! “When you feel your best, you perform and live at your best!”

#keynotespeakers #mindfulleadership #focus #corporatetrainers #healthcarespeakers #mentalhealth #mentalhealthspeakers #tedxspeakers #executivecoaches