Monk Mode vs. Monkey Mind

Have you ever known a monk or spent time in an ashram? The serenity these people exhibit may seem other worldly and out of reach to you. In this noisy, fast paced, hectic world, being calm and grounded can seem close to impossible. But it’s not. You can call up your inner monk or switch into monk mode whenever you feel it would be beneficial.

If you’re a person that is quick to anger or easily impatient, you may unknowingly be limiting what you’re capable of in triggering situations. Although bad habits can be quite strong in the mind and nervous system, you can intervene.

First, give your inner monk a fun name. This keeps it playful. Adults can be too serious and heavy handed with themselves when working toward personal growth. This sabotages them. Then imagine how this person would perceive a difficult situation and how they would respond. Practice accessing and utilizing your monk mode when the opportunity arises. Consider how this persona walks and talks, how they feel and behave, and the results they enjoy.

Another successful strategy is to learn from monks or those who have trained themselves in this way of being. You can do this by spending time in these environments, reading about them or watching YouTube videos.

Jesse Itzler, entrepreneur and husband of Spanx founder Sara Blakely, enjoyed an extensive time with monks and wrote about it. The name of his book is called “Living with the Monks,” and it’s quite an enjoyable read. Thich Nhat Hanh, one of our teachers, has multiple books available as well as some powerful YouTube videos and audios. Michael Singer also has a fantastic read, “Untethered,” that you may find helpful on your monk mode journey.

Whether it’s people, situations or your own internal dialogue that trigger you into an aggressive, agitated being, you have the ability to alter if you truly choose to do so. Everyone benefits including you. Reach out to us today at 404-949-9500 for how to cultivate monk mode!