Getting Triggered

Do certain things tend to trigger you? Perhaps it’s bullying or a bad driver? It might also be rude people or someone not listening to you. The world is full of opportunities to getting triggered. The thing is though, that getting triggered doesn’t feel good. Why? You step out of your personal power. You’re losing your peace and joy based on an external circumstance beyond your control. In Mindfulness, we teach that there is the pain of life and then there is self-imposed suffering. Getting triggered is suffering.

How then do you prevent yourself from falling prey to this? It’s true that sometimes you can get blind-sided. You didn’t see an event or conversation coming. Other times, you may have the same dynamic occur over and over again. If this is this case, you have an opportunity to prevent this from happening. You know it’s a possibility if you continue to put yourself in the same situation repeatedly. For example, if you have a relative who always wants to discuss a triggering topic with you, you may choose to set boundaries with that person. You may choose to request the topic be off limits. If they can’t respect your request, you may decide to not have a conversation with them at all. You have choices. Sometimes they are difficult to make. People may not like or understand your choices. It may feel awkward for you and them.

Another option is practicing non-attachment. This takes practice but can be done. You can be with a person or situation without being negatively impacted. In order to have your best shot at being non-attached, it’s important that you’re in a good space yourself mentally and physically. If you’re tired, worried or having physical symptoms, it will be easier for these externals to affect you. Do some things proactively to help you feel clear, strong and grounded like breathwork, movement and participating in joyful, satisfying activities.